
更新 2023年11月20日


2 days of experiential workshops build deeper connections between students

在学期之间休息一下, students jumped into two special program days jam-packed with engaging, 信息丰富-有趣! -工作坊及活动

Designed for grade-level work and group exploration, the program days came after students returned from Long Weekend and before they started second semester classes. The idea was to offer a transition into academic activities, as well as time and space for grade-level work and group exploration.

On January 26, 9th and 10th graders who recently read 莎士比亚’s 驯悍记 closed out their study with workshops led by actors from our nationally known neighbor, 莎士比亚 & Co. The workshops served as a culminating event for a pilot project in which all 9th and 10th graders read the same play to end the semester, explained Department Chair Julie Schutzman, Ph.D. 作为项目的一部分, teachers focused on actively engaging students with the play and with its language.

“We thought it would be great to have 莎士比亚 & Co. come in to work with the students for some hands-on, experiential engagement,” Dr. Schutzman指出. “It seemed like a natural extension of our classroom work, and our approach in the classroom informed by experiences we’ve had with 莎士比亚 & Co. 在过去.”

一边玩一边玩,正如演员们所说的那样, students discussed their takeaways from reading the text and explored different ways to engage with 莎士比亚, including “reading in” lines while learning a part and re-enacting scenes from the comedy. Students worked in small groups that were a mix of 9th and 10th graders.

“It was a good way to get to know each other and to collaborate and work on a scene together, and there was good energy around the students using their bodies and experiencing the language physically,”博士补充道。. Schutzman. “莎士比亚 & Co. is just one of the incredible resources we have here in the Berkshires, and I would love to see more connections between our institutions.”

莎士比亚 & Co. is just one of the incredible resources we have here in the Berkshires, and I would love to see more connections between our institutions.

Phoebe Goodhue Milliken ’37 英语 Department Chair

While one group worked with the thespians, another practiced overcoming obstacles and operating outside of comfort zones. 在一个名为, 团队合作和联系,” Director of Theater and Dance Jennifer Jordan and Director of Athletics Telia Marks-McCall led students through exercises that stretched them and connected them more deeply to each other, ending with visualization and reflection.

On Friday, 10th and 11th graders participated in financial literacy workshops we call Money Matters. MHS受托人贝卡·哈贾尔89年, Senior Vice President at Commonwealth Financial Network, 讨论了预算等概念, 储蓄, 投资, 避免债务, and she fielded students’ insightful questions. Becca explained the importance of having financial goals, 计划, 和优先级, and the long-term benefits of taking control of one’s finances.

那天下午晚些时候, 雪莉 Dong’23, MHS女孩俱乐部的创始人, hosted a panel discussion with five young alums on “Gender Justice Beyond High School.“艾米丽·亨特,18岁, 杰米·麦圭根,18岁, 奥利维亚·海基-纳勒帕,22岁, 基利·奥戈尔曼,22岁, and Cailyn Tetteh ’22 shared insights into their experiences navigating college and beyond.

雪莉 noted that she initiated the panel to “create a multi-generational network that allows the MHS community to examine gender justice through a real-world lens, understand challenges that individuals face, and learn from panelists about ways to navigate through challenges.” Among the questions posed to the panelists:

  • What are gender stereotypes that you face in your current major or occupation? How have those stereotypes affected your experience in college/career?
  • What do students need to know about gender as we move beyond MHS?
  • What is one thing you wish you could know when you move on from MHS?

学生提问后, 雪莉 closed by thanking the panelists and asking students to note their takeaways. “People often say a girls’ school is a bubble,” she added. “走出这个泡沫, it is inevitable that we will face challenges and biases as we venture forward. 然而, as long as we keep our resilience and keep our advocacy for gender justice, we can work towards a better future together.”

谢谢你!, 雪莉, for a great conversation about how MHS prepared these young alums to confront bias and overcome stereotypes.

Other Program Day activities included:

  • A college preparedness workshop for seniors with Sam Elliott ’19, a Health Science major at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences;
  • A College Counseling workshop for juniors with Director of College Counseling Courtney Hatch Blauvelt
  • A meditation workshop for juniors with Director of Health & 克里斯汀·米兰诺;
  • A communication workshop with 视野 Associate Kasey Leslie;
  • A 9th grade conversation with the Deans;
  • A communication workshop for 9th graders with Courtney, 克里斯汀, and Director of 视野 Emerald Power; and
  • Seniors enjoy a special Friday morning trip for some games and fun at Dave & 巴斯特在奥尔巴尼.